Friday, August 13, 2010

To Solar Job

Friday 8/13/10
We traveled northwest through more rolling farmland to arrive at the quaint little town of Stump Creek PA, to install a solar system in a highly populated Amish area. When we arrived our hosts Ed and Elaine invited us to park on a piece of land Elaine still owns there (prior to her marriage and move to a West Virginia dairy farm with Ed). They treated us to dinner in the nearby town of Punxsutawney. ( We ate at the Groundhog restaurant where the food was exceptionally good and the prices exceptionally low. At 5-7 dollars for a full meal including soup or salad etc, it can’t be beat! They do not serve groundhog, although we were told that people used to eat groundhog in the past, and perhaps some still do, just as people still hunt rabbit and squirrel.

We took advantage of a wonderful meat market that does its own butchering, makes various sausages and smokes its own hams. The prices were about half what we pay for meat in Seattle. Ellen Also stopped at a local Amish farm to stock up on fresh produce. The cantaloupe and tomatoes were especially tasty and again for a very reasonable price.

They also were kind to allow me to change the oil on the truck as it has been 8,000 miles since we left home. I usually do not let it go so long but lost track.

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